The 1709 overture
The role of the service providers in combating copyright infringements on the internet
Extended collective license – Quo Vadis?
The international intellectual property law in the second half of year 2008. The storm abates (somewhat)
European case-law
Norwegian case-law
Swedish case-law
Confusion of origin in swedish marketing practices law. a comment on the swedish market court’s decision md 2008:8 (hotell villa villekulla)
Post-grant-opposition. Can this have an impact on the requirement of inventive step at the EPO?
Interlocutory injunctions for infringement in pharmaceutical patents
The subject matter for the data base protection in light of new preliminary rulings from the European Court of Justice
Danish case law
Agreement, registration and use. A comment on the decision by the Danis Supreme Cort in U 2007.2042 H (Asani)
Danish case law
Norwegian case law
Seduced by the siren? A comment on the decision by the Norwegian Supreme Court in Rt. 2007 s. 1329
Seduced by scene instructions, but scarcely by the siren. A comment on the decision by the Norwegian Supreme Court in Rt. 2007 s. 1329q
Co-ownership of intellectual property rights – an IPR unification?
The relevance of colours in trade mark conflicts
Limitation in time for trade mark protection of original pharmaceuticals – when the costs are carried by the pubic sector, intellectual property rights are neglected
Does public prior use mean that the invention is made available to the public? Some questions in relation to the decision by the Swedish Svea Court of Appeals of 18 December 2007 in light of EPO case law
Danish case law
Compensation for the negative economic consequences and lost profits to the amount of royalties in patent infringements – a comment on the decision by the Danish Supreme Court (U 2007.1219 (H))
Danish case law
Swedish case law
Reach-through claims – a comment on the decision by the Swedish Patent Court of Appeals of 19 December 2008 (05-217)
Patentability of second medical use claims
Termination of publishing contracts
The international development of intellectual property law in the first half of year 2009. progress and failure
Danish case law
Injunction for early launch of generic medicines: how early can an interlocutory injunction be granted? a comment on the order of the eastern court of appeal of 18 november 2008
Norwegian case law
The applicability of patent law on the Norwegian continental shelf – especially on foreign mobile offshore units engaged in petroleum activities, and which are not permanently located?
VAT on copyright remuneration – a genuine problem
Danish case law
The right to a trade name. A comment on the decision by the Danish Supreme Court of 1 December 2006 (Waterproof) (U 2007.708 H)
Danish case law
Automation of an already known process. A comment on the decision by the Danish Supreme Court of 21 August 2007 (U 2008.2554 H)
Danish case law
The Customs Regulation, EU and transit goods. A comment on the decision by the Danish Supreme Court of 6. maj 2008 (U 2008.1826 H)
Swedish case law
Market introduction of generic pharmaceuticals and offer for sale under patent law. A comment on the decision by the Swedish Supreme Court NJA 2008 p. 1192
Swedish case law
Is the originality requirement strict, mild or in between? A comment on the decision by the Swedish Supreme Court NJA 2009 p. 159 (Mini Maglite)
Swedish case law
The Editor
The copyright in our multimedia world. The development since the last Symposium – especially within the case law
Copyright in a multimedia world – on the junction of traditional copyright concepts and digital technology
Copyright challenges by primary transmission and retransmission of digital terrestrial television
Digital rights management from a user perspective
Norwegian experiences of liability for Internet service providers, file sharing and piracy combating
Future Swedish legislative solutions for copyright
Future legislative solutions. What is going on within Finnish copyright?
Future legislative solutions. Revision of the Islandic copyright law in the present and future
Collective administration and competition law issues
Collective administration and competition law issues