Is there a Nordic copyright? Introduction to the XVII Nordic Copyright Symposium
Copyright Developments in Denmark 2017–2019
Developments (in the copyright sector) in Finland 2017–2019
Developments in Norwegian Copyright Law 2017–2019
Developments in Swedish Copyright Law since 2017
Copyright Law as a Challenge for the European Court of Justice
When EU law meets national law – implementation of legal acts
When EU Law Meets National Law – a view from Denmark
EU Law and National Copyright Law – Does It Remain Any National Law Untouched by EU Law?
Nordic Copyright Law in Light of EU/EEA Law – in Particular the Exclusive Rights
Object of protection, protectability, objectivity vs subjectivity, norm of assessment and scope of protection – is there room for national variations in a harmonised world of copyright?
Some supplementary reflections on the impact of EU law on Nordic cooperation in the field of copyright
EU and the copyright exceptions
Limitations of copyright
Areas not regulated by EU law
Areas not regulated by EU law – some Norwegian reflections
Areas not regulated by EU law – a Swedish perspective
Transposition of the DSM directive in the Nordic countries
Transposition of the DSM directive in the Nordic countries
A sustainable economy in the cultural sector demands implementation of the DSM-directive
Is there a Nordic copyright? Concluding remarks
The Editor
International intellectual property developments during second half of 2019 – Work orientation for the next two years determined
The Editor
The German-Nordic Lawyers Association
The impact of Brexit on intellectual property rights
Has copyright outperformed contract law? The importance of the Judgment of the European Court of Justice in Case C-666/18 (IT Development SAS)
Danish case law
Commentary on the Eastern High Court’s judgment of 4 July 2018 (Hotel Prindsen)
Norwegian case law
The Lovdata-case – on the balancing between database protection and freedom of speech
Popcorn Time – loss of domain name as a result of complicity in a criminal act
Supreme Court decision on Lovdata’s databases
Does the use of images of applied art in advertising require permission under copyright law? Or is it permitted by exceptions external to copyright legislation?
The ability of the seller to disclaim liability for third-part rights and claims based on intellectual property
Compensation after unfounded enforcement of intellectual property rights
The development of international intellectual property during 2020. Intellectual property in the time of the pandemic
Referral to the EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal – competence and authority – G 3/19
Danish case law
Swedish case law