Freedom of Contract and Mandatory Rules in EU Copyright Law
The protection in intellectual property law of the tangible cultural heritage
“Together separately” – Co-existence of trade marks and older distinctive marks applicable to particular localities
Commentary on the Danish Supreme Court’s judgment in the Ørsted case
Danish case law
Has copyright outperformed contract law? The importance of the Judgment of the European Court of Justice in Case C-666/18 (IT Development SAS)
Commentary on the Eastern High Court’s judgment of 4 July 2018 (Hotel Prindsen)
A comment on the judgement of the Maritime and Commercial High Court, case V-17-17 of May 3 2018
The new Danish Act on the protection of trade secrets
A Service Check of the Danish Copyright Act under EU Law. How Far is the Actual Reach of ”Danish copyright”?
The choice between contract and IPR based actions regarding violations of terms in licensing agreements concerning IPR
Resale of Digital Copies – Does the UsedSoft Decision Change the State of the Law?
The Flexibility of Copyright
Danish Case Law
Danish case law
Keyword-based advertising and the decision by the EU Court in the Joined Cases C-236/08- C-238/08 (Google AdWords)
Danish case law
Danish case law
Danish case law
Collective administration and competition law issues
Danish case law
Danish case law
Danish cases
Danish cases
Danish cases
Illicit transmission of musical works on the Internet. A commentary to the Supreme Court’s decision of February 10, 2006 No. 90
Compensation for copyright infringements – economic aspects
Copyright pricing
Danish cases
Trade names and trademarks with a value of their own
Copyright Law and Cultural Economics in the EC