Intellectual property in the information society. North-South, Open Source and Creative Commons – a valid critique of the exclusive right?
Parallell import, “co-banding” and domain names. An analysis of Rt 2004 p. 904 (Paranova) and Rt 2004 p. 1474 (
The missing link in copyright?
Comments to the Directive 2004/48/EC on the harmonisation of rules about the enforcement of intellectual property rights
The international intellectual property during the end of 2005
The Swedish intellectual property development cooperation with the developing countries. The industrial property protection
Literary and artistic works on the market of mass production and the reproduction issue
“Festschrifts” generally and some intellectual property ones in particular
New rules about compensation and damages for product copying in Denmark – a developing domain?
A new Danish statute about domain names
Honest practices in domain name matters
Danish cases
A comment to the decision of the Supreme Court, Mars 8, 2005 (Tele & Data)
Swedish cases
A comment to the Swedish Market Cour’s decision MD 2006:3, LEGO v. COPI, about confusion and misrepresentation
Compensation for suffering or other prejudice at copyright infringement – especially about the computation of the compensation
Will the Marketing Act prevent copying of foreign products that have not been put on the market in Norway?
Swedish cases
Interpretation of sec. 49 of the Swedish Copyright Act in conformity with the EC data base directive. A comment and analysis of NJA 2005 p. 924
Swedish cases
Comparative advertising in the EC Court’s version
The copyright relevancy requirement as a ”mainstay” to the Norwegian prohibition against circumvention of the systems for technical protection
Will geographic information be protected by copyright?
Copyright considerations in view of a need for scanning of documents in the hands of Swedish authorities
International intellectual property developments during the first half of 2006. Crises and successes, mostly crises
Danish cases
The suspension regulation and national administrative law – a commentary to U 2005.1537 H
Finnish cases
LEGO v. Biltema in Finland. Legal protection for technique-functional forms and primary colours against passing off
Swedish cases
Stem cells and patents – the scope of the exception about proper usage and public order
Exclusive right for public service enterprises
Market analyses as a matter of trade mark law
From Blomin to Puma – market analyses in market law decisions
A new Danish Act about utility models
The importance of thinking in terms of law and economics. Reflections on the review by Marianne Levin of Thomas Riis, Enerettiheder og vederlagsrettigheder
Danish cases
A comment about the DIFO/ judgement
Fair game? A case about stripes. Comments on U 2006:600 H 516
Finnish cases
Copyright to a word list. A comment on HD 2005:43 523
A Resolution about increased Nordic co-operation between the NIR-societies and the Nordic authorities
Comment to the NIR-resolution
The intellectual property jig-saw puzzle
The world of intellectual property within and outside the Nordic sphere – a progress report
Patent claim modification after issuance
Modification of patent claims under Swedish law
Trade secrets
The enforcement directive and its implementation in Finland
The directive 2004/48/EU of April 29, 2004, on the enforcement of intellectual property rights and Norwegian law
Special intellectual property courts? Present developments – internationally and nationally
Mediation in intellectual property disputes
Legal Mediation Rules – prepared by Professor, LL. D., Mads Bryde Andersen