EU Law and National Copyright Law – Does It Remain Any National Law Untouched by EU Law?
Unjust Enrichment as Result of Trade Secrets Infríngement – Recoverable in Sweden?
Trademark Law in Swedish Advertising Law. A comment on the Decision by the Swedish Market Court (2012:15 Elskling vs. Kundkraft Sverige)
Termination of publishing contracts
The means of prohibiting unreasonable conditions in agreements about commissioned musical works. A commentary to MD 2006:30 p. 509
A comment to the Swedish Market Cour’s decision MD 2006:3, LEGO v. COPI, about confusion and misrepresentation
The liberty of action of copyright management societies and their responsibility as monopolists. Another view about the Hotell du Nord decision of the Swedish Supreme Court
News Items
The EC Directive on Comparative Advertising and its Nordic Implementation
New Editorial board for NIR
Supplementary protection for pharmaceuticals in the legal interspace
News Items
The New Swedish Act on Marketing – Especially the Protection for Manufacturers against Copying
The NIR in 1966
News Items
News Items
The Supreme Court of Sweden and the Development of Intellectual Property Law
Fair Licence Fee as Basis for Evaluation of Damages Caused by Trade Mark Infringement.
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Injunction, Especially in the Market Court
News Items
News Items
NIR Facing Another Half Century