Do exhaustion of intellectual property rights and compulsory licenses solve the aids-problems of the poorest countries of the world?
Evaluation principles at compulsory licensing of patents
Protection of well known trade marks – Adidas – a line drawn in the sand?
Chinese copyright – latest developments
Responsa by the Swedish Council on Designs 2001–2003
Danish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
Variety works – protection of sequels and prequels
The sui generis protection of databases under § 43 of the Norwegian Copyright Act
The regulation of E-commerce and the responsibility of service providers
Extended collective license agreements
Sound marks and the requirement of graphic representation of trade marks in the light of the praxis of the European Court of Justice
The international development. Clouds over the World Trade Organization and the TRIPs Council’s meeting in March 2004
Swedish cases
Reasonable tariff – unreasonable rebate? A comment to the Swedish Supreme Court decision NJA 2003 p. 465 (Hotell du Nord)
Swedish cases
The distinctive character of letter marks. A comment to the decision of October 24, 2003 (R1) of the Swedich Supreme Administrative Court
Development of Traditional Cultural Expressions (or Folklore)
Technology regulation in research and development agreements – especially as related to stem cell research
Intellectual property rights in the light of tax law legislation
The Danish law on private use in motion
It is moving. A conference about intellectual property law and international private law
Finish cases
Counterfeiting and transit. A commentary to the decision HD 2002:119
Swedish cases
How far should trade mark law extend? A commentary to NJA 2003 p. 163 (Jägarbrännvin)
Intellectual property standing
The requirement of an inventive step for biotech inventions
The standing of authors and performing artists under the law on contracts – some remarks related to the German law reform
The recent Customs’ Regulation
International developments – about radio- and television broadcasts and sanctions
The liberty of action of copyright management societies and their responsibility as monopolists. Another view about the Hotell du Nord decision of the Swedish Supreme Court
How far should trade mark law extend? Some remarks on account of the commentary to NJA 2003 p. 163 (Jägarbrännvin)
Norwegian cases
A commentary to the Kværner-decision, Rt. 2003 p. 825
Swedish cases
The Swedish Copyright Society (SFU) 50 years Addresses on April 27, 2004, at the 50th anniversary of its founding
Introductory speech
Ageing in beauty – SFU fifty years
Copyright in a political perspective
The establishment of copyright precedents by the Supreme Court
The fall and rise of copyright
Copyright and its interested parties
Intellectual property sanctions systems and the EU Enforcement Directive
Hotell Du Nord and equity
Hotell Du Nord and equity
Danish cases
Montana reolsystem) (A commentary to U 2004.1085 H (Montana reol system)
Danish Cases
A commentary to the decision of the Supreme Court of March 25, 2004; to the Supreme Court in Norway
The expansion of the European Union as related to the European trade mark and design Regulations
The international development – increased criticism against the intellectual property system
Finnish cases
Confusing similarity and goodwill damages. A commentary to HD 2004:49
Norwegian cases
Norwegian Cases
Swedish cases
The provisions of copyright protection for drawings in a patent application. A commentary to NJA 2004 p. 149
Swedish Cases
The provison on commissioned works in practice. A commentary to NJA 2004 p. 363 (Red Cross)
Swedish Cases