The product as a trade mark of its own. The exception from protection of get ups i § 2 second paragraph of the Trade Mark Act / article 3.1.e fo the Trade Mark Directive
The copyright of employees on hire
News items
Danish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
Patents for computer programs - the invention concept
Making public over the Internet as patent prophylaxis
Copyright protection of television formats
News from Nordic IP Societies
News items
Danish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
Nordic developments between 1997 and 2001
International developments
The work and its level of creativity
The criterion of originality in continental European and Anglo-American copyright law
The concept of "level of creativity" as lately applied in Sweden (from the letters Fröding to"feeling like a lizard")
The relation between copyright and competition law
The relation between copyright and competition law
The relation between copyright and competition law in particular with regard to legal developments within the European Union and the European Economic Area
KODA 75Years - a causerie to its anniversary
Copyright and neigbouring rights in the information society - the EC-directive 2001/29/EC
The notion "public performance" in Nordic copyright law in the light of international and European developments during the past latest years
The notion "public performance" in Nordic copyright law in the light of the international and European development
The notion of public performance
The notion "private copying" in Nordic copyright law in the light of the international and European development during the past latest years
Private copying for "personal professional use"
The notion of "private copying" in Nordiv law in the light of international and European developments during the latest years; in particular regarding the students' own copying
Copyright as a cultural factor
Panel debate about the role of judges and professional experts in copyright cases
News items
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases