Not just for fun – the Doctrine of Parody in Danish Copyright Law
The specialty principle and music publishing agreements
National Treatment and Material Reciprocity in Copyright: International Points of Attachment and Reservations after the RAAP Decision
How broad is the scope of protection of copyright after the Painer decision?
The author’s duty of loyalty
Does the use of images of applied art in advertising require permission under copyright law? Or is it permitted by exceptions external to copyright legislation?
Danish case law
EU and the copyright exceptions
A Service Check of the Danish Copyright Act under EU Law. How Far is the Actual Reach of ”Danish copyright”?
When is music performance in dance classes public? Do the Nordic or EU criteria apply? The Danish Supreme Court decision of 30 October 2017 on music performance in educational associations
Danish Case Law
The Implications of EU Law for the Distinction Between Public and Private in Copyright Law
Orphan Works. What is the Problem?
Exhaustion of the distribution right. A comment on the decision by the danish supreme court of 16 february 2010 (Erik August Frandsen)
Is the originality requirement strict, mild or in between? A comment on the decision by the Swedish Supreme Court NJA 2009 p. 159 (Mini Maglite)
A commentary on the decision of the Maritime Commercial Court of February 24, 2006 (the Ofir decision) I. Are the Nordic catalogue rules in contravention of the data base directive?
Protection of applied art against ”close-by copies”. Some reflections about terminology
Danish cases
A comment on the decision by the Danish Supreme Court of March 12, 2003 (the Albertslund-lamp)
Danish cases
Does an interviewer acquire copyright to the statements made by the person interviewed? Some remarks to the decision of the Supreme Court November 26, 1996, NJA 1996 pp. 712 et seq., NIR 1997 pp. 277 et seq.
Danish cases
The criterion of originality in continental European and Anglo-American copyright law