Eva Jarnvall In Memoriam
The Swedish Association for the Protection of Industrial Property 1908–2008
The world of intellectual property within and outside the Nordic sphere – a progress report
Stem cells and patents – the scope of the exception about proper usage and public order
Copyright interfaces to industrial property protection and to competition law
A harmonized intellectual property system of sanctions
Equality in a global world
Swedish cases
The Nordic Committees to revise the trademark law
Exhaustion of intellectual property rights
Utility models
A harmonised protection of designs
A Nordic Intellectual Property Netword
Developments in the Nordic Countries
The Court Proceedings regarding Patents
Signs and Symbols - The Possibilities of Nordic Harmonization of Trade Mark Law
The report of the General Secretary of the Cooperation Committee
Debate. Trade Mark Law "Design Protection" from a Swedish Perspective
Debate. Protection outside the Limits of Similar Goods in the EU
Introduction and Background
Debate. What Type of Protection for Applied Art Can We Live with?
Remarks by the Translator of A. Kur The New German Act on Trademarks
Some Viewpoints Regarding the Disharged Investigation of Utility Models
The Principle of National Treatment in Art. 2 of the Paris Treaty
News Items
The Exception from National Treatment in Art. 2:7 of the Berne Treaty
Copyright Protection for Works of Choreography.
News Items
The Brittish Gouverment Proposes New Protection for Designs
Current Trends in Swedish Form Protection
News Items, Amongst others: PCT-Amendments – WIPO information
The Protection of Applied Art in Theory and Practice