Equality in a global world
Trade mark licenses and the EC-law prohibition against competition-restricting agreements
Copyright pricing
The expansion of copyright
Does an interviewer acquire copyright to the statements made by the person interviewed? Some remarks to the decision of the Supreme Court November 26, 1996, NJA 1996 pp. 712 et seq., NIR 1997 pp. 277 et seq.
Danish cases
Swedish cases
Conflicts about domain names in Denmark – an overview
The reqirement of exploitation ”in this country” for prior use rights in § 4 of the Patents Act
Scents and sounds as trade mark subject matter – some comments about the ”Sieckmann” case
Interpretation of patent claims in practice
The WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genectic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC). The moment of truth draws near
Towards a unified national court system for intellectual property rights?
Finish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
Copyright and international private law – a late but unavoidable encounter
IPR-assets, licence agreements and insolvency proceedings
The Swedish prohibition against indirect tobacco advertising
New rules for the allocation of domain names under .se
Danish cases
Finnish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
Mogens Koktvedgaard November 18, 1933 – June 29, 2003
The international dimentions of copyright – in retrospect with a view towards the future
Copyright interfaces to industrial property protection and to competition law
A harmonized intellectual property system of sanctions
Danish cases
Swedish cases
The teacher exception in transition
Exclusion to the exclusive right in consequence of international traffic
Protection for fictitious persons and other characters
Danish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
Documents from the 11th Nordic Copyright Symposium in Helsinki, June 1–4, 2003
Basic copyright notions
Private copying
What is happening to neigbouring rights?
What is happening to neigbouring rights?
Technical measures. Nordic implementation of article 6 of the Infosoc Directive
International tendencies in copyright developments
The international development at the WIPO General Assembly 2003. An illustration to the intellectual property crisis
Danish cases
Norwegian cases