The importance of consent with regard to international exhaustion of trade mark rights – The EC-court decision in the Davidoff” case
The criterion of distinctiveness regarding trademarks in the EU
Swedish and international legal protection of semi conductor design. Applicability, adequacy, usefulness?
Danish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
Copyright protection of trademarks
Intellectual property contracts. Regionalism and globalism – intellectual property and the developing countries
A Danish court decision about the use requirement and well known marks
International developments
Danish cases
Finish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
Intellectual property rights and economic development – in conflict or a catalyst?
Technical measures – technique, law and politics
Law, technique and the future of ideas
A new actor in the political arena. The panels of the WTO
Danish cases
Finish cases
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases
The EC-trademark in practice
Do domain names qualify as property for a choice of jurisdiction?
Free software and open source code – new types of licenses for compter programs
Design protection for spare parts etc. The noble art of transforming a political conflict into a legislative product shown difficult to interpret
Intellectual property’s new domains: genetic resourses, traditional knowledge and folklore. The third session of the relevant WIPO Interstate Committee. General remarks about the work of the Committee
Danish cases
Finish cases
Swedish cases
Bad faith and the UDRP proceedings
Exploitation of university patents: a comparative survey of Danish, German, Norwegian and Finnish legislation
Computer program and business method patents. Also a commentary on the EC Commission’s proposal for a directive on the protection by patents of computer-implimented inventions
A commentary on the EC proposal for a directive on the protection by patents of computer-implemented inventions
Copyright agreements: recent German legislation and some reflections
The international development within WIPO
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases