| Sverige
This case concerns a dispute between international car manufacturer Jaguar and a Swedish company, as well as the company's two owners, regarding allegations of copyright infringement in the defendants' production of a replica Jaguar C-Type sportscar.(1) The second-instance Patent and Market Court of Appeal reversed the first instance-court's decision and found that the replica did not constitute copyright infringement on two unusual grounds:
| Sverige
The idiom "the devil is in the detail" alludes to a hidden catch or mysterious element: something that might seem simple at first, but that takes more time and effort to complete than expected. Among lawyers, it is often said about agreements and contract law that "the devil is in the definition". This could be the catchphrase of a recent case from the Swedish Patent and Market Court(1) regarding the assessment relating to copyright licences for software in a public procurement.
| EU
EU-domstolen kom i mitten av juni i år med ytterligare ett mål som rör upphovsrättsligt skydd för brukskonst. I höstas kom C-683/17, EU:C:2019:721, Cofemel som slog fast att brukskonst ska skyddas enligt samma kriterier som andra verk och att det skyddet inte är svagare än det som ges till andra verk. En fråga som kvarstod efter Cofemel var möjligheten till skydd för funktionell brukskonst. Denna fråga har nu fått sitt svar i C-833/18, EU:C:2020:461, Brompton Bicycle.