The Editor
Swedish law regarding unused trademarks
Patent protection of Computer Programmes – the Scope of the Patent Claims
Service- and Consulting Activities by the Patent Office
News Items
Norwegian Court Decisions
Swedish Court Decisions
The Legal Status of Domain Names
European Originality – a Copyright Chimera
Copyright Contracs undergoing a Change
Private Copying in IT Times
The EC Directive on Comparative Advertising and its Nordic Implementation
Protection of Commercially Distinctive Get-ups
News Items
Norwegian Court Decisions
Swedish Court Decisions
A Nordic Intellectual Property Netword
The economic effiency of Atricle 6b of the Berne Convention – some viewpoints
Competition law and intellectual property convention regulation
Article 10 (3) of the Berne Convention and marketing
Marketing and parallell imported music CDs
Do the rules about "TRIPS-frontier control" also cover acts that go against sound business practice?
The EC-trademark and the international competence of the national courts
Technical means of the protection in the WIPO-treaty and in the proposed EC-directice
The development of intellectual property – from the Berne and Paris Conventions to TRIPs
The doctrine of confusing similarity in course of change in Europe
Berne, TRIPs, EEA and Phil Collins. The protection of foreign aythors and photographers under Norwegian Law
Patent litigation and its cost aspect
Adresses and other contributions at the XXIVth Nordic Industrial Property Meeting in Tromsø, June 28th – July 1st, 1998
The Nordic Committees to revise the trademark law
Exhaustion of intellectual property rights
Experiences of the Counterfeit Regulation in Denmark
Patent rights protection towards a new millenium
Requirements for an efficient set of rules of procedure
Utility models
A harmonised protection of designs
News Items
Finnish Cases
Norwegian Cases
Swedish Cases