Articles by Åsa Krook

Immaterialrättens utveckling i Finland 2019–2022 | NIR 1/2023

Developments within intellectual property law in Finland 2019–2022

Immaterialrättens utveckling i Finland 2016–2018 | NIR 1/2019

The developments of intellectual property in Finland 2016–2018

Utvecklingen på immaterialrättsområdet i Finland 2014–2016 | NIR 6/2016

The Development in the Field of Intellectual Property Law in Finland during 2014–2016

Den immaterialrättsliga utvecklingen i Finland under åren 2012–2014 | NIR 1/2015

The Development of Intellectual Property Law in Finland During 2012–2014

Förhållandet mellan firmor och varumärken i finsk rätt | NIR 6/2008

The relation between trade names and trade marks in Finnish law